The Painless Ways to Lower Your Monthly Verizon Bill

Updated March 21, 2024 by Kyle James

Verizon Wireless is ridiculously expensive. There, I said it, now let’s move on with life and find some ways to lower your monthly Verizon bill. Ways that won’t require much work on your end, which if you’re like me, are some of the best ways to save some cash. Let’s do this…

The Painless Ways to Lower Your Monthly Verizon Bill

Go With a Verizon Pre-Paid Plan

Are you even aware that Verizon offers a pre-paid smartphone plan?

I wasn’t until recently and I’m here to tell ya that it can save you a bunch of money.

Plus, there’s no activation fee and NO contract required.

You can either buy one of their phones, or bring your own.

Here’s how their 3 pre-paid plans (Auto pay required) currently breakdown:

  • $35/month – Unlimited U.S. talk and text, 6 GB high speed data, mobile hotspot. Cheapest plan you’ll find with Verizon.
  • $45/month – Unlimited U.S. talk and text, mobile hotspot, 16 GB of data. Most popular. $5/month less than their similar unlimited plan.
  • $65/month – Unlimited Data, talk and text to U.S., Mexico, and Canada, mobile hotspot.

All three of these plans are solid options.

See Also: Lower Your Bill with DishNetwork, DIRECTV, AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast

Deal Only With an Authorized Verizon Retailer

I recently read something that really surprised me about Verizon.

Apparently their customer service reps and corporate store employees get paid a commission when they talk you into raising your data plan.

To fight this, you’ll want to ONLY deal with authorized Verizon retailers, also known as Verizon premium retailers, as they don’t make a cent from upgrading your GBs.

Instead, they only recommend a data plan upgrade if it makes sense for you and your situation.

A couple of the more visited authorized Verizon retailers in my town include Costco and Best Buy.

On a personal note, my wife has always had a very good experience dealing with the Verizon reps at our Costco and it’s the only place she’ll visit when she needs to talk to someone about her account.

She absolutely hates going to the Verizon store as the employees have always blown her off and been quite rude because she has a lot of questions BUT was not a big spender.

A combination they apparently have very little time or patience for. Visit here to find all the local authorized retailers in your area.

So the takeaway here is to visit an authorized retailer and ask for their help to get your bill lowered.

Since they aren’t getting paid to raise your bill, they’re much more likely to tell you about ways to save some money each month.

The truth of the matter is that Verizon always has new promotions and specials and it’s often hard to understand them and keep them straight.

So let them help you and have them explain your options.

See Also: Are You a Teacher? Go Get the Verizon Teacher Discount and Save

Find a Cheaper Alternative That Uses Verizon Towers

Did you know that there are some cell providers who “buy space”, at a big discount, on Verizon’s network of cell towers?

These no-contract providers make for fantastic alternatives to Verizon as they’ll save you a bunch of money every month.

They use the same exact cell towers that Verizon customers use.

So if you’re concerned about switching to a new provider, and then not getting the same coverage you’re currently getting with Verizon, worry no more.

Here are the up-and-coming discount providers that access Verizon cell towers.

  • Page Plus Cellular: By far their best value is the $39.95/mo plan that scores you unlimited talk and text along with 3GB of data at 4G LTE (2G thereafter).
  • Straight Talk Wireless: Their most popular plan costs $45/month and gets you unlimited talk, text, and 5GB monthly data at 4G speed (2G after you use 5GB).
  • Tracfone: Check out their $35 a month plan which gets you 750 talk minutes, 100 texts, and 1 GB of data.
  • TotalWireless: Available through their website and at Walmart, they have a killer $35/month plan which offers unlimited talk and text and 5GB of data.

The biggest complaint that usually surfaces with these companies is a lack of customer service.

But if you can put up with that, and have even the slightest knack for tech, you should be just fine and save big in the process.

Have you had any success with any of these discount providers? Let me know in the comments section.

Check for Employer Discounts

Verizon discount

Many workers across the country are eligible for a monthly discount from Verizon. This is especially true with teachers, military/vets, corporate workers, and many state worker.

My wife is a teacher at a public school and she gets a flat 15% taken off her Verizon bill each and every month.

All you have to do to get your discount is verify your employment with Verizon. I’ve found the easiest way to do this is to take proof of your employment, pay stub, job contract, or something similar, to an actual Verizon store location.

I’ve tried to do it online but it’s a total pain in the butt and ended up not working.

So I ended up just visiting our local Verizon and they hooked us up with a 15% monthly discount.

Here’s the online form if you want to give it a try and get more info.

Move Your Plan Down a Notch

Let’s face it, the most expensive item on your Verizon bill is always gonna be your data package.

Be sure you analyze just how much data you use every month and see if you can cut-back and survive.

Verizon has a pretty decent deal that gives you 2GB of data, with unlimited talk/text, for just $35 a month.

If you’re worried about those summer or vacation months when you tend to suck up more data, just pay the incremental fee for more data and you’ll still come out way ahead at the end of the year.

Ask the Reader: Are you sick and tired of paying a ridiculous amount of money each month to Verizon? I think it’s officially time to lower your Verizon bill or move on to a company that can.

Happy savings.

By Kyle James


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Just so you know those plans/companies who supposedly use the exact same towers still don’t have the same coverage. 2 people my husband hunts with have phones with 2 different companies who claim they use the same towers. When they go out to deer camp, hubby’s phone is the only one that works. The other guys phones don’t. It’s in the woods, but only a half hour away from our city. We do have Verizon.

It kills me to pay the bill each month, but I have to be able to get a hold of hubby when he’s out there. Plus my FIL is out there and has health issues, as well as a couple other older guys. Not to mention …. accidents happen. So depending on your needs and usage ….. cheaper isn’t always better. For clarity, my city has about 50,000 people. So not a huge metro area, but certainly not a small town.

Andy Brown

Thanks Robin for your creative comments to help many of us.


I have the “Customer Loyalty Plan” and Verizon said that I can’t use my employee discount with this plan.


How did you get on the customer loyalty plan?

Bernard Clyde

I’ll be honest, I never knew there was an option to do a prepaid phone plan with Verizon. Although, I think that my friend has this kind of plan set up for her children since it lets her get a hold of them without all the extra data. I appreciate you breaking down the costs of each plan for us!

Claire Hicks

Interesting article. However, I think you may have overlooked another option for some people. Recently (March) I switched from Straight Talk (the $45 plan) to Republic Wireless. I am on their Clear Choice plan + 1.0 Gb Cell Data. Which has been wonderful! My total monthly cost has been $23.11 which is the $20 per month plan with 1 GB of Cell and the total does include taxes.
Grant it, I am not one of those people no manner where they are, always talking on their cell. As most of my conversations are done in private and on a need basis since I consider it as my HOME phone.
I encourage you and your viewers to check out Republic Wireless as another possible option.




Had the pre-paid wireless plan on my first SmartPhone, costs were $60 per month for a basic 8GB phone. Then ALL these apps on these phones have to be UPDATED to send you more ADVERTISING… they don’t tell you that! You dont have enough space to keep updating their apps so you look for a bigger GB phone like 16GB or 32 GB those require a different plan… My original goal was to only go to a MEDIUM data plan but the OVERAGE charges of 3 months Don’t make sense to stay with the medium plan so you end up with a Large data plan.

Then Verizon told me I had to switch my Pre-piad phone to keep my # if I wanted to keep the number… Even though I bought the phone MYSELF. Verizon reps put me on a 2 yr contract for line service when I switched my data plan… Now my bil is $105 a month with the new price increase I still have a LG Prepaid Transpyre phone with a 20GB SD card in it and My dang Home Land line bill from Verizon which used to be 59.99 a month is now closer to 89.99 a month with Subscriber service fees @0% Federal & state Taxes and service charges.

Now I see why people get rid of their land lines. If you don/t have a business to write half these costs off on your taxes .You’d tell them to GTH…

James Dean

Fantastic advice. I have one concern about dealing with an authorized dealer. You have to read the fine print with them because they have their own contract with you which can include added fees or additional penalties for cancellation and other irregular terms. Costco is a big name retailer with a decent return policy so a consumer may be okay dealing with them without having to be too worried.

Isabella Brown

I just got a Verizon phone at Walmart..The associate told me the bill would be $35 mo which is fine, but neglected to tell me about the monthly line access fee of $20. Is this correct and is there any way around it? My bill will be near $60 monthly, not $35. Verizon is the only option for service at my location.


If you have Xfinity Internet (by Comcast), you can bring (or buy) up to 5 mobiles and get free text and voice, with two choices for monthly data:
1. $45/line for unlimited data
2. $12/GB of shared data on their “By the Gig” plan is the cheaper choice if you don’t exceed 3GB per month.
NOTE: No charge for #2 in months you don’t exceed 100MB, ~ roughly equivalent to each of the following:
~18hrs of GPS
~6 hours of web-surfing
~300 Facebook posts
~30 min of standard video
~3 hours of music streaming
~1,200 emails (lower mileage with attachments)

Compare that to Verizon’s “Small” plan, which offers 2GB for $30 base rate + $20 per line — more than using 6GB on Xfinity Mobile’s “By the Gig” plan.

Lawrence Abbott

I just learned the hard way that when I bought a Verizon post paid smart phone at Target, they REFUSE TO ACTIVATE the phone with the same number I’ve had with them for the past 20 years. This is in spite of what the salespeople at both Target and the Verizon store told me. So now I have to hope Target will take the phone back after it’s been opened. Verizon is determined to get people to “rent to own” an expensive phone. So much for customer loyalty. If I’d bought a competitor’s post paid phone, I probably could have grabbed my Verizon number with no problem.


Thanks Kyle. I’m on it today. I have a fixed income and this is a great “fix”. 😉