Insider Tips on Target Restocking So You Can Score a Deal
There’s no greater fear than driving to Target just to find the specific item you need is out-of-stock. To prevent this from ever happening, I wanted to learn everything there is to know about when Target restocks and use it to my advantage. After all, if you have a few beloved Target products that you look forward to purchasing, chances are other people also love those products. Inevitably, this increases the chances of your Target “fan-favorite” items being out-of-stock. So I went out and learned how to use the Target restock system to my advantage. I hope these helpful tips and tricks will get you what you need from Target… the first time around.
Does Target Restock Perishable Food Daily?
Target definitely does not restock food daily, especially perishable grocery items like produce, dairy, meat, and bread.
I asked at several Target stores over the past 12 months what time of day they restock groceries and was told the truck usually shows up right before closing, except for Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
So this means that produce and other perishables will NOT be super fresh on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Take that information to mean that you’ll find the following items to be the freshest on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday:
- Eggs
- Bread
- Milk
- Dairy Items
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Meats
- Hot Foods
- Bakery Items
Since these items don’t get restocked daily at Target, they provide an EXCELLENT money-saving opportunity.
Why you might ask?
Well, start looking for slashed prices on “day old” breads and meats at Target, stuff that’s still within the expiration date…but getting close to expiring.
Target doesn’t want to throw this stuff away at a big loss, so they’ll happily slash the price and sell it for a big discount.
I’ve seen deals in the 70-90% off range on bread, doughnuts, deli meats, and even steaks.
If you know you’ll use it that day, or that night for dinner, take advantage of the HUGE savings and always check out the clearance “shelf” in the meat and bakery department.
If you can’t find the clearance stuff, just ask an employee and they’ll point you in the right direction.
See Also: What’s a Target Salvage Store? and How to Find One Near You
Can You Sign Up For Alerts When Items Come Back In-Stock?
Stay ahead of the game by signing up for Target restocking alerts.
Target Restock Alert Via Text: On your Target app on your phone, click on the “notify me” button next to the item you want to be notified of when it is back in stock.
Target Restock Alert Via Email: On your account, click on the “notify me when it’s back” button to receive a notification via email when that specific item is back in stock.
What About Restocking Online at
Unfortunately, there is no hard-set rule when it comes to what and when products are restocked online at
However, don’t lose all hope for Target’s online shopping experience just because an item is out of stock.
Instead, sign up to be notified when the product you want is back in stock.
Is There A Best Day To Shop For “New” Target Clearance Items?
Sometimes Target restocks come in the form of newly added products to the clearance section.
Each weekday there is a certain section of the store where new clearance markdowns and restocks occur.
Keep your eyes on the prize and take note of the following days when new Target clearance items drop:
- Monday – Electronics, Accessories, Kids Clothing, Books, Baby, Stationery
- Tuesday – Domestics, Women’s Clothing, Pets, Market (food items)
- Wednesday – Men’s Clothing, Health and Beauty, Diapers, Lawn & Garden Items, and Furniture
- Thursday – Housewares, Lingerie, Shoes, Toys, Sporting Goods, Décor & Luggage
- Friday – Auto, Cosmetics, Hardware, Jewelry
There’s most certainly a science involved when it comes to understanding Target clearance tips and tricks and this tip certainly fits the bill.
Shopping on the right day of the week is not exclusive to Target, check out my article on other store markdown days and learn to save BIG at your favorite retailer.
Is There A Best Time Of Day To Shop At Target?
The absolute best time to shop at Target is first thing in the morning.
The majority of Target locations restock their inventory between 12 am and 6 am because the stores are (obviously) closed.
This makes it easier for workers to stock shelves more efficiently without the constant interruption from busy shoppers.
As a result, expect shelves to be fully stocked in the morning, especially for daily restock items like perishable groceries discussed earlier.
If you’re on the hunt for your favorite little Christmas cookies from the bakery section, be sure to set your alarm and don’t take the risk of them not being there later on in the day.
The same goes for popular gaming system like the PS5, shop early in the morning and your chances of scoring the PlayStation 5 greatly increase.
See Also: The Target Dollar Spot: Maximize Your Savings When You Shop
What About Toys, Electronics, Clothing, And Home Décor?
Depending on the availability and demand for the item, Target usually restocks general merchandise 2 to 3 times a week.
Yet, there is no specific time or schedule Target follows to restock these types of items.
Therefore, if you are curious when your local Target is restocking toys, electronics, clothing, and/or home décor, contact your store directly for more information.
Ask the Reader: Do you have any insider tips on when Target restocks certain items that I may have missed? Let me know in the comments.
By Kyle James
I started in 2000 and have become a consumer expert and advocate writing about out-of-the-box ways to save at stores like Amazon, Walmart, Target and Costco to name a few. I’ve been featured on FOX News, Good Morning America, and the NY Times talking about my savings tips. (Learn more)